Members of our Sports Council at Devonshire Road are elected by their classes to represent the school. They're chosen for their love of sport, their willingness to share this passion with others, and, for their enthusiasm to promote sport throughout the school.
Roles include:
- To act as a role model for other pupils across the school for sporting behaviour;
- To organise and run intra-school competitions (EYFS/KS1 Sports Day, KS2 Sports Day, EYFS/KS1 Games Day, LKS2 Games Day, UKS2 Games Day);
- To help the class teacher prepare for PE lessons;
- To lead warm-ups, activities, or parts of PE lessons;
- To keep sports equipment organised and tidy;
- To meet with the PE Coordinator to provide a pupil voice in relation to sports and PE at Devonshire Road Primary School.