All visitors are expected to be positive role models for the pupils, and any messages communicated to pupils must:

  • Support our school values and fundamental British values;
  • Be consistent with the ethos of the school;
  • Not seek to glorify criminal activity or extremism or seek to radicalise students through extreme or narrow views of faith, religion or other ideologies.


Photo ID must be provided and the issued identification badge provided by the office staff must be worn at all times. Staff in school may challenge you if identification is not visible.

Mobile Phones

All mobile phones must be on silent/switched off and out of sight (e.g. in a handbag or pocket). They must not be accessed in a space where children are present.


Any concerns regarding pupils or staff should be referred as soon as possible to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or, one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs Emma Hodge

Mrs Emma Hodge

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Tom Abraham

Mr Tom Abraham

KS2 Deputy Head
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Chloe Abraham

Mrs Chloe Abraham

EYFS and KS1 Deputy Head
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Dorothy Hall

Mrs Dorothy Hall

Learning Mentor
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Visitors without a current DBS clearance should not approach or speak to children without a member of staff present.


If a fire alarm sounds, please leave the classroom or work area by the nearest exit and make your way to the assembly points on the playground. Procedures can be found on the reverse of your Visitors badge.

Health and Safety

Visitors need to exercise due care and attention, and report any obvious hazards, concerns or accidents to the school office. The Asbestos Register must be checked/signed by all contractors prior to work commencing.


No photos are to be taken on the school site without the permission of the Headteacher/School Business Manager.


Please note, the whole school site (including the grounds) is a NO SMOKING area (including vaping/electronic cigarettes).

If you have any questions about your visit, please direct these to the office staff.

We hope your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe.


Visitors Policy

Updated: 10/06/2022 433 KB