Our curriculum is formulated in order to teach for long-term memory changes. This is to enable their learning to ‘stick’ and remain with them throughout their lives.
Our aim is to ensure that children are provided with a broad curriculum of study, which leads to a deep and secure set of knowledge in each subject, which will help them throughout their life. 
Our curriculum drivers have shaped the breadth of study throughout our curriculum. They have been identified as the key areas that reflects our school context and work towards removing barriers of disadvantage. They are coupled with our 3B’s (Be Kind, Be Curious, Be the Best You Can Be).

Please see our Curriculum documentation, which will provide more detail around our curriculum.

Curriculum and Assessment Policies

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To see what content is covered in each year group, please click on the links below.

Our Curriculum Layers

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At Devonshire Road, we teach phonics through a systematic synthetic phonics program named 'Song of Sounds', which runs from EYFS to Y2. The program teaches children to read and write by introducing children to the sounds that they can hear in words (phonemes) and their written equivalent (graphemes). Children learn to blend sounds together to read words and segment words in order to spell them. 'Song of Sounds' is a multi-sensory phonics program; it is hands-on and interactive with music, movement and practical activities at its core, to ensure children enjoy the phonics learning process. The program ensures that children become fluent readers and knowledgeable spellers by the end of KS1. More information can be found on their website, which can be found here.

Devonshire Road Primary School aims to reflect the multi faith community it serves in both its collective worship and its Religious Education provision within the school. We also ensure that we fulfil all the government`s statutory guidelines as regards to worship and Religious Education.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of Religious Education teaching and also from collective worship.

For more detail on The National Curriculum, click on the link.

If you would like more information about our full curriculum offer, please get in contact with Mr T Abraham (Curriculum Lead and KS2 Deputy Headteacher) via the school office, or, via the email address abrahamt@devonshire.bolton.sch.uk