The Eco Council play a vital role at Devonshire Road Primary School. Behind the scenes, each representing class member works hard to encourage their peers to help school be electrically efficient, environmentally-friendly and sustainable for the future. With one Eco Council member for each class, it allows the children to gain confidence in representing their friends' ideas to help our school be the best it can be.

Roles include:

  • Ensuring lights, taps, whiteboards are off in each class when not being used
  • Promoting recycling throughout
  • Looking after and preserving the school grounds
  • Collecting data/questionnaires
  • Initiating ways to save electricity
  • Lessening the use of paper in school.


Our current Eco Team comprises of:

1G - Musa  I want to save the planet
1HB - Teddy  I want to put rubbish in the bin and turn off the lights
2F - Ammarah I want to make the world a better place
2C - Muhammad I want to turn the lights off to save electricity
3A - Mya I want to help school save electricity
3K - Diana I want to take care of the planet
4AT - Ammarah I want to help save electricity around the school 
4W - Jake I care about the world and I am good at picking up litter
5D - Mohammed I want to help the school be a better place by looking after the environment and protecting the planet
5M - Maryam I really want to help keep the school clean and help save water & electricity
6B - Ammar I want to help the world recover from litter
6C - Hibah                        I want to help the environment and prevent pollution